How far does erotic desire go? What do we want from love? Does love last forever? Is it true that love prevails over erotic desire? And if so, what does this love look like?
This seminar cultivates the three languages of the Mind-Body-Emotion Triptych in regards to erotic desire:
• Our Thoughts about love (Dreams, Expectations, Stereotypes and Ethics)
• Our Body about love (perception of sexual preference and satisfaction and taboo of physical expressiveness)
• Our Emotion about love, affection, sex, passion (recordings of emotional states that motivate or hinder us).
Our Triptych in love is dynamic. Sometimes it guides us satisfactorily and sometimes it misleads us, resulting in frustration and leading to abstinence or depression. All this happens because we do not always decode it correctly. Thus, the "truth" that it speaks is different to the "lies" we follow. It is very common to suppress something from the Triptych, to the point that it eventually spoils our relationship with the other person or, even worse, our relationship with ourselves.
The three means of expression that we will use:
• Drama therapy (Building the character of love)
• Photolangage (Representation of love with photography technique)
• Art Therapy (Improvisation and experiential movement of the erotic character)
The seminar is addressed to those who:
• say they are looking for love and cannot find it or are depressed or giving up
• have concerns about their sex life
• have fantasies unrelated to their sexual activity and do not know how to interpret them
• have a long-term relationship or family and are concerned about the quality of their love life
• have difficulties with physical release and satisfaction
• have problems or differences with their partner regarding sexual intercourse, its practice or frequency
• wonder if their libido is dead
• wonder about maintaining libido in long-term relationships
• do not know how to approach love
• state that they feelare blocked or fail to have a relationship
• Certificates of participation are given
• Seminar material is given
• Bring comfortable clothes & socks with you
To arrange this seminar in English, please get in touch via our Contact Page.