Drama Therapy
In drama therapy, using the Moréno Technique, we play out psychological situations from our past or present. We can also play out future hypothetical scenarios.
Through role playing, we transfer issues that concern us, in order to experientially perceive our Emotion and its expressive potential. This way, we activate the Body, managing to experience our Emotions and not merely describe them with words, which often stem from the Mind.
Drama therapy is one of the most dynamic techniques of expressing Emotion, as it gives the opportunity to play out what we are thinking or something that is troubling us through role playing.
The basic difference with theatre acting is the purpose. The purpose is not to appear like proper actors or be precise and loyal to a text. We are not concerned with perfection or the means of expression. We are concerned with working through the emotions that are born as we play out a situation, without them being suppressed by that role. That is where our truth, and by extension the solution or therapy to the issues that preoccupy us, usually resides.
Drama therapy is usually employed during group therapy sessions. In one-on-one sessions, it inspires us to analyse the roles we are called to play in our daily lives. Through role playing exercises we manage to put ourselves into other people’s position, or even our own position in different situations, and work through the emotions that arise.
It is worth noting, the difficulty we all sometimes have putting ourselves in roles we find difficult or struggle with. From our professional life to our interpersonal relationships, or our role within our family, we unearth inherent stereotypes that in some cases hinder us from self-realisation.
The Drama Therapy technique is part of the integrative therapy approach of the Triptych, and is used on a case-by-case basis during one-on-one sessions, group therapy sessions and seminars. Each technique aims at a different expression of the language of our Mind, Body and Emotion. This has proven to be the most powerful therapeutic approach, as none of the elemnts of our Triptych remain unexplored on the healing journey.