Can we photograph our Mind?
Can Emotions be projected as images?
How does an image work as a tool for expression?
These and many other such similar questions can find their answer, using the French method of psychotherapy called Photolangage (photo language).
An image is worth a thousand words or more. We think in words and images. However, we cannot always find the right words to use when trying to express ourselves. The French technique of expression called Photolangage, helps translate one’s Emotions in a unique way, during a specific time period and in regards to a specific issue that may concern us.
Some examples of questions that might arise and be answered using this method:
- How do I see myself among and in relation to others?
- Where do I see my relationship in five years?
- “I quit.” How do I see myself in this decision?
- What does “relaxation” mean to me?
- How do I see myself in my anger?
- What does “family” mean to me?
The Photolangage technique and the photographic materials used have been specially developed by the Groupe de Lyon research group, under the conception of Alain Baptiste, and operates as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for a wide range of psychological struggles.
The Photolangage technique is part of the integrative therapy approach of the Triptych, and is used on a case-by-case basis during one-on-one sessions, group therapy sessions and seminars. Each technique aims at a different expression of the language of our Mind, Body and Emotion. This has proven to be the most powerful therapeutic approach, as none of the elemnts of our Triptych remain unexplored on the healing journey.