"How are you doing?"
When we talk about ourselves or when we communicate with others, our inner voice does not separate ming, body and emotion. They all speak as one, or whichever gets to it first! "I’m well," "So and so," "I’m beat," "I’ve been better" and so on and so on.
Only if one studies them in depth can one see their differences. The body may not feel well, the mind may be flying up in the clouds and the emotion may be confused. The mind may be overloaded, the emotion neutral and the body overwhelmed.
The Mind-Body-Emotion Triptych is the most dynamic way of observing our own psychology and learning about our true self.
"What do you mean?"
When something happens in our environment, our Triptych is expressed simultaneously. It is as if all three characters voice their opinion.
The Body reacts immediately to any stimulus. It hurts, relaxes, feels pressure, sweats, remains neutral, feels anxious, etc. Its nature is to respond to environmental stimuli.
The Mind seeks to explain or understand the world. It analyzes, composes, ponders, solves or prioritizes problems, etc. Its nature is to research.
The Emotion, if it is very intense, reacts immediately, otherwise it remains hidden until it is decoded at another time in the future. It gets surprised, scared, angry, sad, etc. Its nature is to have a different reaction time to stimuli.
The intercommunication of our Triptych, therefore, is not always clear. Due to their diversity, it is quite common for our three characters to disagree with one another. Sometimes they are at odds, creating tension, and sometimes they coexist harmoniously. Other times the strongest point of view just prevails.
There are many theories as to how they affect each other, and which precedes the other. Many times this quest resembles the mystery of the chicken and the egg. Did the chicken lay the egg or did the egg lay the chicken?
Does the mind give birth to emotion? How does our body capture emotion? Can emotion exist without the mind to decode it? How much of emotion can be explained neurobiologically?
For the therapeutic approach of the Triptych, we consider that Mind-Body-Emotion speak in parallel, so as to avoid over-analysis and to focus on the information they are giving us. This helps us become more accurate in diagnosis and treatment.
"What’s wrong with you?"
Our Triptych becomes imbalanced when it is not truly expressed in important areas of our life for an extended period of time.
Research shows that most illnesses are associated with at least one anxiety disorder or chronic stress in our lives.
What we call difficulty or illness usually results from a blocking or misinterpretation of the information we receive from the three languages of our Triptych:
1. The language of the Mind
2. The language of Emotion
3. The language of the Body
For example, our Emotion may feel pressure in a relationship or at work. For years, it may send us negative messages, but we are unable to process them. Gradually, our thinking may resort to ideological compulsions or our body to addictions to balance the negative emotion.
In another example, our Mind may be negative about our social or personal life, but we may feel that this does not affect us emotionally. In fact, we can build whole ideologies to support denial. This can gradually affect our body and at some point develop a disease, such as a stomach, heart or anxiety disorder, without knowing exactly where it came from.
The unspoken, then, that which is not heard in the perpetual intercommunication of our Triptych, is that which either creates behavioural habits, or which swells silently until it erupts psychosomatically at an unexpected moment.
"What are you going to do?"
To heal the Triptych is to approach its truth.
After exploring the history that brings a Triptych to its current balance, we use different psychotherapeutic expression techniques to decode every aspect of it.
So we need an integrated therapeutic approach to translate the three languages of our Triptych.
The basic approach is cognitive, which embraces drama therapy, photolangage, art therapy, and Autogenic Training physical therapy.
Treatment includes:
1. the acceptance of a dysfunctional balance in our lives
2. the decision to reposition it, to find another balance we feel more comfortable with
3. the practical application of changes to our lives in order to test our psychological development
At the end of treatment, we have a feeling that we cannot remember exactly how we felt before when we had the difficulty. To get there, we have created a new strong Triptych balance where the Mind, the Body and Emotion speak and communicate with a different mood and with deep sincerity.
"What do you want?"
We are not more competitive, in our personal or collective life, for using only our Mind. The secret of integrated psychotherapy is the development of the language of our Mind, our Body and our Emotion, so that our readiness in the present is more true, without hang-ups and resentment.
The first goal of the Triptych therapeutic approach is to create a new balance without the difficulties, disorders or pathology of our initial contact.
The second goal is to cultivate Emotional Intelligence. Thus we stabilize our new balance based on self-knowledge and self-confidence. The relationship with ourselves becomes more sincere and our coexistence with others more substantial. Emotion opens the way to creativity in our lives without fear, having found its inclinations and talents.
The Triptych does not live separately. We separate it only to understand ourselves. With the development of Emotional Intelligence, it can coexist harmoniously, without speaking an incomprehensible language anymore. Thus, it manages to follow its desires and dreams for the future without getting blocked by the obstacles of the past.