Τhe anxiety arising from the perpetual activity of the death instinct, though never eliminated, is counteracted and kept at bay by the power of the life instinct.
—Melanie Klein
One cannot fit everything into one’s thoughts. The whole of humanity, however, can fit everything into their collective thinking. This is because each of us, in our own unique way, are trying to conceive of the inconceivable thought of death.
Some when using logic, and others amidst a flood of confusing thoughts, we all struggle with the hope that, “one good thought a day will help keep death away.” It would seem we are wasting our time…
The thought of death, and hence the whole concept of illness, can be cured with one single thought. Creative thought. What is creative thinking? Creative thinking is every thought that is based on a true emotion. True Emotion is the authentic and the original. Creative thinking uses Emotion as a trapeze. Up it goes, and dives in. Where? Into actualization. Into the truth of its expression.
Creative thinking is to act. Creative thinking is to produce. This alleviates the mind from thoughts of death. Which does not act, nor does it produce, it merely debilitates. Creative thought uses all forms of Art to express itself, to exemplify itself. This is why we cannot live without Art.
Art is the act of attempting to express our emotions. It has no bounds, no rules, no restrictions. If Emotion is expressed accurately, it is then that, for a moment, it reaches eternity.
If you think that you or someone you know might benefit from a session concerning the fear of death, the pain of loss, or grieving, get in touch to book an appointment. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or tendencies, contact 1018 immediately, the 24-hour hotline for suicide prevention, or get in touch with us for psychological support.
These articles are meant to be psycho-educational. They are not meant as a diagnosis or therapy tool. Their aim is to inform and educate. Article source & copyright: Evy Syrou, Cognitive Psychologist | www.evysyrou.gr